In the event of an emergency, knowing where your next meal will come from is super important. If you’re able to plan ahead and build access to an emergency food supply, you’ll be less likely to suffer in the aftermath of a disaster or unexpected crisis. How much food storage do you have? If your answer is plenty, then you may be in trouble when disaster strikes and food no longer arrives on store shelves on schedule. That’s why you should have access to a sustainable food source. Even if the world around you falls apart, a garden will at least make it easier to keep things together.
1) Growing your own emergency food supply
How many preppers are gardeners? And how many gardeners are preppers? Although there may not be a one-to-one match between these two groups, there is an overlap and for good reason. If you’re serious about having access to sustainable food source in times of emergency then gardening is something you’ll need to take into consideration. Not only do backyard gardens provide fresh, homegrown produce, they can also serve as an alternate form of emergency food storage.
2) Gardening with neighbours and family
Gardening is an excellent way to provide your family with a sustainable food source. When you garden, you’re in control of what goes into your produce – and that’s important for health reasons. Packaged food often contains additives, flavorings, and preservatives that aren’t always good for you or your family. When you grow a garden, you can avoid those products and enjoy fruits and vegetables at their freshest. A side benefit of gardening is helping build relationships with neighbours and family. If everyone has a patch of land to tend (if even just a few potted plants), then it makes it easier for everyone to help each other out if disaster strikes. And don’t forget – gardening is fun!
3) Store what you eat and eat what you store
In addition to building an emergency food storage, it’s important that you actually store what you eat. Only keep foods in your storage that your family loves and eats—just because you stored it doesn’t mean you have to eat it! The worst thing you can do is waste away a ton of cash storing food that nobody will ever touch, so make sure your pantry contains things like canned goods, pasta, rice and beans—things everyone in your family eats on a regular basis. Having the ability to grow your own fruits and vegetables to supplement those item is a game changer!
4) Think about the nutritional value of what you grow
Most of us know, at some level, that it's important to have access to a sustainable food source in case SHTF—especially if you’re growing your own produce. But unless you’re also thinking about nutritional value, all that fresh produce is doing you little good. Make sure you are growing a good balanced garden. Fruits and vegetables contain healthful nutrients and antioxidants—which are vital for protecting yourself against diseases. So choose a wide variety of fruits and veggies (and herbs) when building your emergency food storage: They'll help you stay healthy no matter what situation you find yourself in down the road.
5) Start a small garden and build up over time
If you’re an urban dweller who doesn’t have a yard and you don’t want to spend money on a lot of growing equipment, consider starting with just one or two plants. You can grow herbs on a sunny windowsill or tomatoes in buckets. Assembling a simple backyard garden if you do have the space could also be all you need in order to build up a sustainable food source. Whether you’re new to gardening or an old pro, it’s important for every homeowner or apartment dweller who wants access to a sustainable food source, to learn how easy it is.
Coach Dex / Surviving What's Coming / / 1/15/2022